First Name | CrystalMarketHK |
Nickname | crystalmarkethk |
場主介紹 | 各位同好們,水晶市集於2020年創立,為本土全新品牌以舉辦不同類型及模式之展覽和市集,創辦人及其成員曾在香港舉辦的大型活動如【礦物化石寶石展覽】【We🔹️Crystal Market】【Crystal🔹️Plaza】【The Mineral Show HK】及 各類小型市集 等,旨在用心推廣礦物、化石及寶石行業,冀望讓更多業外人士認識到行內的文化及知識。水晶市集成立時期正正面臨著新冠肺炎的各種挑戰;在疫情的影響下,要舉辦市集或展覽並非易事,不論是租借場地、人流稀少、或是受防疫條例所限等,種種大大小小的阻滯都成為我們的高牆。皇天不負有心人,有幸得到不少行內伙伴及同好的支持、對水晶市集的信心及參與,使我們在疫情下仍能逆水行舟,迎難而上,水晶市集致上無言的感激! 【水晶市集辦事處】地點︰香港上環孖沙街23號祝安行1樓103 – 104室 Dear fellows, CrystalMarketHK was established in 2020, with its vision to promote the industries of Minerals, Fossils and Gem and enhance the awareness of the culture and understanding of our industries. CrystalMarketHK is also a brand-new local brand which organizes different styles and modes of minerals, fossils, gem shows and bazaars, the founder and the members used to host different shows and bazaars in Hong Kong before, such as The Mineral Show, Mineral Fossil Gem Show Hong Kong, We🔹️Crystal Market, Crystal🔹️Plaza, etc. Establishing CrystalMarketHK in 2020 under the COVID-19 pandemic was undoubtedly challenging. It was never an easy task to hold any bazaar or show under the outbreak of COVID-19. Venues booking and limitations posed by the epidemic prevention ordinance were obstacles that we have never before faced. Despite all the challenges, we are thankful to have received great support and appreciation from fellow members of the community. Your participation in the bazaars and kind encouragement impelled us to push through and make dreams come true. 【CrystalMarketHK Office】Address︰Suite 103-104, 1/F, Chuk On Building, 23 Mercer Street, Sheung Wan |